Monday, July 9, 2012

Students Comments about NASA

" Kennedy Space Center "

Like J.R. says: " That really 'wows' me !! " I loved the story about Kennedy Space Center, they're so amazing.
We've seen a real spaceship, and that was so BIG, ohh my Gosh ! I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
But what I discovered there and I get interested about was the preparation of the spaceship to launch. They have so many systems to launch perfectly, but they tried several times.
They also needed a complex preparation of the austronauts before launching. They pass in cold and fixing trainings for a long time.
We also saw the 'Hubble story' and the capacity of its lens to watch and photograph the space.
This visit made me think and respect even more this work that impresses so many people in the who;e world. They deserve to be respected.

'GO TO SPACE WAS OUR CHOICE' ( John F. Kennedy )

Written by Alexandre Ernest

" I would never have imagined something like Kennedy Space Center. It ws like seeing something completely new. The 3D movie about the universe that we watched was so incredible that I felt like a little ant. "

 Written by Karla Lazanha

" At Kennedy Space Center I was certain that North Americans are really competitiv, because in the videos that was showed for us, they said a lot of things about be the first people on space run, the first ones to step on the moon.

Written by Ana Laura Giroto


" The experience in the Kennedy Space Center ( NASA ) was incredible. Beacause I could see a rocket and have the same feeling as an astronaut when they were in a rocket ready to be launched. I never imagined that NASA was like that.
Written by "our" Ray...Harry " - Renato Soares

p.s.- " ohhh no Cybel...picture AGAIN !!!! " LOL

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