Saturday, July 7, 2012

July 7th - Students Comments....

" These five days here have been the best ever ! I'm learning lots of things. It's not only about improve my English, I'm learning about the American culture, how people live and more: how to take care of myself alone. I know I will learn more things here and this trip will be amazing !"
( Larissa Stopa )

" The USA is so different than I imagined it to be. The people are very polite, the places are very big and organized. I'm really enjoying this trip here in Florida. I really love the food, it's so delicious ! The Markets are wonderful and very cheap. But there's one more important thing: I'm speaking English and it's terrific ! I expect to experience more traditional and cultural places here in the 1st. World. " SouthEastern University, Lakeland,FL. ( Alexandre Ernest )

I've never learnt so many things in a few days! I learned alot about the USA culture, their language and I've experienced new foods. In these five days I could learn more than I usually learn in one year in Brazil. I'm learning how to take care of myself and this will be great for my future."
( Ingrid Neves )

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