Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last Day of class at Southeastern University, Fla.

 July 17th. - All the students received their Certificates from the University

GRATUR  " Program English Cultural Immersion 2012 "

" English Classes "
In all of our life, we pass through moments of learning. We are always learning and we need to do that. Here I understood the true meaning of this. The true meaning of what teachers are and why they are there, when you need help. These classes were the best, with of course the best teachers."

Written by Paulo Hiroshi ( Paul )
"Immersion Experience"

The experience in Immersion of English was pretty cool. We had many classes to improve our way to speak and write in English. Every moment we had together was unique and special. I will keep these moments in my mind forever."

Written by Laura Brigette

" In the last two weeks in the USA, I learned a different culture. In class I learned to improve my English in reading, writing and pronunciation. It was an amazing experience."

Written by Joao Pedro Littig ( John)

" Two weeks here learning English was the best thing for me. Because it helped me in pronunciation, read, write and listen. In everything thank you for help me and fo give me so much attention."

Written by Bianca Queiroz ( Bea )

" In these two weeks of classes, I felt my head exploding. I was bombed with information about some of the many details of the English language. I really think that these details we worked on, will help me a lot in the future. The Program also helped me to improve my responsability.
Having English classes wasn't everything we had. The teachers are awesome too. I feel like I made a lot of friends !! "

Written by Walter Marinho

The English Classes
These seventeen days that we've been together having classes were very cool. I learned somethings that I didn't know, and some things that I knew, but was good because reminded me.
One thing that really help me was the texts that we always had to write in class. I thought the classes different. But we learned a lot of details in the language, the 'tongue twisters', and one of the most important thing for me, the pronunciation.
Yet, this experience is very good and very cool."

 Written by Renato Soares ( Ray )

" The classes here at the University were so important to me. Because they helped me to learn more about English, with writing, pronunciation and reading. And more about the American Culture.
The classes here were so different compared to classes in Brazil. Because here we learn English in the United States, and when the class is over, we need to continue to speak and listen English. In Brazil is different because is just a time of Engish and then you continue to speak Portuguese.
I'm really thankful for these classes, for the teachers and the new friends that I made here.
I'll never forget this experience. I'll miss it a lot."

Written by Paula Soares

" The classes of English were wonderful. The teachers said things about the culture and about the life that blowes my mind. I loved to hear their advice about it.
On the other hand, it was a little hard for me to learn the right way to say some words. Because in Brazil's classes they teach us different. The sound of the words are different. I'm not saying that they teach wrong, I'm just saying that they teach different. It's not the same sound, the same way to talk.
I'm loving my experience here, I made new friends, learned a new culture and experienced a different country. I'm really glad that my family gave me this chance."

Written by Ana Laura Giroto

" English Immersion, the last two weeks of learning English were perfect. We learned the American Culture by living in the USA. This experience was unique and I had this privileged. Because this trip is something that I will never forget. I made friends for my entire life and moments to remember forever."

Written by Karla Lazanha

"English Classes
When we arrived here, the idea of having classes everydaydidn't please me a lot. But when it started everything changed. It was really fun and I learned a lot ! My teachers are the best English teachers ever! They made everyth ing better in this trip. They helped to improve my speaking, listening and writing abilities. Now, I can tell you that my English is really better. I loved the classes of pronunciation, reading and game nights. Everything was amazing and I don't want to go home. I don't want to leave this University, my teachers, our classes, my friends and my 'dream maker '.
I'll never forget these weeks. I'll miss it a lot !!"

Written by Larissa Stopa

" English Classes
These two weeks were awesome. I learned a lot of new things. I learned details about the language. How to pronunciate and how to write. In Brazil they don't really care about the details.
With this class I could improve my writing, speaking and reading in English. I had a lot of fun in these few days. I have a feeling that a dream was realized. I loved this immersion experience. I'm sure that I'll never forget this trip and the amazing people who were with me in all this time."

Written by Ingrig Rugila

" When I arrived in the USA with all my friends and monitors I thought I couldn't speak English with anyone.
But when I started to have English classes with Ken and J.R., everything started to become easier. The rules, the tongue twisters, the games, everything helped me a lot with my English. The experiences at the stores, restaurants, parks were also remarkable and very helpful. I learned expressions I didn't know, grammatical keys in English and sometimes the classes reminded me of some rules I already knew.
My English is much better now then when I arrived here in Florida.
And the most important: "always having FUN!!"
Thank Ken, J.R. and of course Cybele, you taught me a lot of things and customs that I appreciated a lot. You guys are awesome !!! "

Written by Alexandre Ernest (Alex )

English Immersion Program
"Our experience learning English here in the USA was great ! We learned new things and some things we had already leraned in differents ways. And that is good because we learn a little more and in a way that Brazilian teachers don't know how to teach. Beacause they are not in constant contact with the language. And even though Brazilian teachers are also good, and always learning new things to teach. This lack of direct contact with English in their routine makes a huge difference. Also, our every day contact with the English language helped us to learn everything our teachers taught us. And talk to the Americans is good because the way they talk makes you learn other words only by talking to them. About the teachers: they are wonderful ! The way they teach us the things it's so easy, so simple. I am really proud to have had the priviledge of having classes with such good people. And about the program: It's a great program, very crerative and fun. Everyone enjoyed a lot the many things we did here. Thank you J.R., Ken and Cybele for this trip, that has been the best of my life !"

Written by Giovani Freire ( Gio )

"...we just love these kids, like ours.. they did a wonderful job !!! Ken, me & J.R. "

.. gift to J.R., everyone signed. He'll leave to Jacksonville,Fl - WE'LL MISS YOU J.R. !!!

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