Sunday, July 15, 2012

" Students Comments about Animal Kingdom " (2)

" Animal Kingdom"

I don't have enough words to describe yesterday. Animal Kingdom may not have a lot of roller coasters, but it has amazing shows. The shows that we watched were awesome. Every little detail was perfect. We watched a 3D movie which was the best. During the movie we could feel and smell what was going on. We went to an attraction about the Dinosaurs and it was the most . I was overwhelmed. It was an excellent experience. I loved everything ! "

Written by Ingrid Rugila

Disney's Animal Kingdom

" Going to Disney 's Animal Kingdom yesterday was so beautiful!
. About the LION KING show, there is only one word to describe: AWESOME !! I loved it. It was a really special moment for me. Those pretty animals reminded me how big is our GOD and his love for us. I enjoyed Animal Kingdom very much. It was incredible !!"

Written by Larissa Stopa

Animal Kingdom

One word to describe the Animal Kingdom's experience is "delicious"!!! The animals, safari, Everest Rollercoaster, 3D Show, the Dinosaur simulator. all of them were amazing and cool to see.
I don't like one more than another because they were all different and terrific !!It's the first Park that I'd like to go in ALL the attractions again. It was a FUN day ! "

Written by Alexandre Ernest (our Alex )

" Super Alex !!!" it's a good shirt....

" Our visit to Animal Kingdom was extremeli good. We went to several attractions, like the Everest Ride, a roller coaster that looks like a train and takes you through the mountain in the dark. When you get to a certain part of the ride it goes backwards also in the dark.
After that we went to the Kilimanjaro Safari and there we saw a lot of animals, like cheetahs, elephants, rhinos ( both brown and white ), lions and others. Also, we went to Dinoland, where we went to a simulator that took us to the pst. Where we saw a lot of dinosaurs.
We went to a 4D Show, about Bug's Life ( the movie ) called 'It's tough to be a bug'. where we could feel things like stings and water being thrown on our face. After the movie we went to the LION KING Show with acrobats, dancers, fire eaters and a lot more.I really liked everything there, it was really an unique experience.
After the Park we went to Florida Mall, a huge shopping Center, where we could find a lot of famous stores. I bought one shirt, but every one else bought a lot of stuff. It was very good."

Written by Giovani Freire ( Gio )

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